Residential – IT help on demand
Residential – IT help on demand
We offer a number of services to help residential and small companies (1 to 5 users) deal with IT related Issues. Please give us a call (or request one) and we can arrange the best time to bring your computer in to our workshop, create an appointment for an engineer to visit your home, or arrange a remote/telephone support session if applicable. If you are able to bring your computer to our central London workshop we will be able to give you a reduced price for the repair. If your problem is urgent and you require assistance straight away please visit our Quick Support page where you can arrange a remote session with one of our engineers and you will be up and running in no-time!
Over the years we have dealt with many different scenarios from fixing a virus problem on a tanker ship via satellite link in the Taiwan Strait to recovering a student’s dissertation from a corrupted hard drive.
Free Diagnostic
Bring in your Desktop or portable computer to our central London lab and well will run a Diagnostic to make sure your core components, such as HDD, RAM, CPU, are OK.
Fast & Reliable service
On reciept of your Computer one of our engineers will let you know the expected turnaround and costing of the repair/fix. The average turn-around for repairs is 3 working days.
All Work Guaranteed
Our team of experts will make sure your computer is running at it’s best! If you are not happy with anything you can simply bring it back.